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amc July 2023 Recalls

AMC July 2023 Recalls

AMC September 2023 Recalls list blog offers an in-depth exploration of past Australia Medical Council (AMC) exam questions, shedding light on their intricacies and patterns. By dissecting questions from previous exams, we provide a thorough understanding of the exam’s structure and content. Armed with this knowledge, you can fortify your study approach and strategy, ensuring a solid foundation based on insights gleaned from past exam questions. Let’s journey through the invaluable wisdom offered by past exams, paving the way for your continued excellence in the medical field.

As we peel back the layers of these questions, a treasure trove of insights emerges, offering a profound knowledge base. Armed with this newfound understanding, you can tailor and strengthen your study approach and overall strategy. This process ensures a solid educational foundation, built on the wisdom and knowledge gleaned from an in-depth analysis of past exam questions.

Together, let’s embark on this intellectual journey through the historical archive of exams, absorbing the invaluable wisdom they hold. These insights serve as a guiding light, illuminating your path towards continued excellence and success in the esteemed medical domain, ensuring a promising and fulfilling future in the field of medicine.

Teenage boy presented with declining grades and sad mood. Feel depressed, hopeless, little interest, difficulty concentrating. Quit soccer and now isolate at home. No suicidal intention. Family history of depression? MDD diagnosed and treatment is discussed. The patient is willing to take medication, but his mother is concerned that antidepressants can cause people to become suicidal. What to reply to mother?

  1. There is no association between antidepressants and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts in adolescents.
  2. The slightly increased risk of suicidal thoughts with antidepressants in this age group needs to be weighed against the risk of completed suicide in untreated depression.

63yo with vague abd pain, increased fatigability. Smokes, drinks alcohol. Mother died of stroke, father died of MI. Mildly distended, soft abdomen. Positive fecal occult blood test. cause?

  1. Alcoholic cirrhosis
  2. Metastatic disease

day-old girl constipation, breastfeeding going well. Urinates frequently, but BM every 2-3 days. No routine prenatal care. Soft abdomen, nontender. Jaundice from head to abdomen. Ix?

  1. Thyroid function studies
  2. Rectal suction biopsy
  3. Sweat chloride test

4yo boy presented with hyperactivity, impulsivity, disruptive behavior. Mother struggling with his behavior, affects job performance. Abrasions on knees, bruise on right shin. intervention?

  1. Begin low-dose diphenhydramine at bedtime
  2. Recommend parent-child behavioral therapy

37 yo male hemoptysis, fever, pleuritic chest pain, cough w brown sputum.??Allogenic stem cell transplantation 6 wks ago. Right-sided crackles, dense infiltrate in right upper lobe on x-ray. diagnosis?

  1. CMV
  2. Invasive aspergillosis

Woman 34 yo w/ 2 kids from different fathers. Is on a new relationship e don’t want to get pregnant. Wish to esterilize.

  1. agree with her
  2. offer her partner to do vasectomy
  3. consult with gynecologist
  4. offer combined oral pills

Man submitted 4m ago to vasectomy, >20 ejaculations, spermogram w/ non motile sperm. Conduct?

  1. repeat after 50 ejaculations
  2. USG for spermatocele
  3. repeat next month
  4. can have sex without worry for pregnancy
  5. Renal USG

Man 34yo, urinary dribbling, straining and post void micturition. Physical exam normal, include RDE. What’s next?

  1. urethoscopy
  2. renal USG
  3. USG rectal biopsy

elderly man presents with malena. endoscopy and colonoscopy does not reveal any bleeding. His vitals are stable at the moment but he requires 2 units of blood daily to maintain a HBat 90. what is the best management

  1. capsule endoscopy
  2. catheter angio
  3. CT angio
  4. 55 technetium scan

Old lady, asymptomatic, for check up. DM2, crônica arterial disease. Urine culture + E. coli >100.000 ufc/ml Cefalexin S Amoxicillin Clav S Sulfa R Cipro S Conduct?

  1. Reassure
  2. Cefalexin
  3. Sulfa
  4. Cipro

Old lady, menopause, urinary symptoms with LUTS emptying. Physical exam: labia major United until urethral meatus Conduct?

  1. topic oestregen
  2. separate labia major

A 18-year-old girl comes with father; with a with 10-week pregnancy, she don’t want you to tell this to her father. She has right arm fracture and not speaking in front of her father.What in history suggest physical abuse by father?

  1. Fracture of right arm.
  2. Patient’s mood and affect
  3. The secret pregnancy
  4. Hx of previous hospitalizations

Which valvular disease is most commonly associated with the sudden death in younger patients?

  1. Aortic stenosis
  2. Mitral stenosis
  3. IHSS- Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis – old name of HOCM
  4. Tetralogy of Fallot
  5. Mitral valve prolapse

34lady with amenorrhea, regular menses since age 12. Suction curettage for missed abortion, followed by IUD placement. Initial irregular and heavy bleeding. No menstrual period in 6 months. diagnosis?

  1. Intrauterine adhesions
  2. Primary ovarian insufficiency

42male ankylosing spondylitis, fell on back, severe pain. History of duodenal ulcer. Vital signs normal w/ mild tachycardia. Midline tenderness over upper lumbar region, restricted spinal range of motion. cause?

  1. Disc herniation
  2. Vertebral fracture

26 lady presented with thigh skin lesion appeared 3 wks ago. No similar lesions in past. Mild pruritus, no fever, chills, or pain. Sexually active.

  1. Liquid nitrogen
  2. Punch biopsy
  3. Topical acyclovir

38 female with chronic aching pain, stiffness in neck, shoulders, lower back, and hips. Pain worsens w/ exertion. Sleep difficulties, morning fatigue. Tender spots at muscle insertions, normal strength and reflexes. therapy?

  1. Amitriptyline
  2. Colchicine

28male with 6mo extreme nervousness, irritability, restlessness, muscle tension, insomnia. 2 beers on weekends. Reluctant for psychotherapy. medication?

  1. Bupropion
  2. Venlafaxine

34 female with progressive dyspnea, drowsiness. Difficulty swallowing, choking episode. Recent ciprofloxacin treatment. Reduced work hours, difficulty lifting books. absent Babinski reflex. diagnosis?

  1. Foodborne botulism
  2. Myasthenic crisis
  3. Polymyositis

53yr male with DM has foot ulcer on sole of foot and is allergic to penicillin. What is the next best management?

  1. Amoxicillin
  2. Co-amoxiclav
  3. Clindamycin
  4. X-ray
  5. MRI

Elderly man taking oxycodone/naloxone, added to amitriptyline he has been using for pain.Now px presented with cramps of legs.What is the cause?

  1. SS              – SS: hyperreflexia mydriasis inc BS, Tx ciproheptidine
  2. NMS          – SS hyporeflexia, N pupils Tx Iv benzo, dantrolene Na, bromocriptine
  3. TCA toxicity

A patient came to your practice because of sore throat.The nurse informed yo that she hasn’t paid for the last three consultations. What should you do?

  1. Ask patient to go to public hospital
  2. Leave a prescription for amoxicillin
  3. Book her for the next available appointment
  4. See her after she paid the previous all
  5. Refuse to see her

Lady travelled to Kenya, wt loss jaundice. Was taking doxycycline.increased liver enzymes,bilirubin. What’s the diagnosis

  1. Malaria
  2. yellow fever
  3. pancreatic cancer
  4. Ross river fever
  5. choledocholithiasis

75 gentleman severe back pain x3wks, worse past 12h. Difficulty walking, urinating. Hx of prostate cancer w/ radiation therapy. Tenderness over midline spine near T10-T11. initial?

  1. Intravenous glucocorticoids
  2. Radiation to the spine
  3. Skeletal survey

day-old boy, routine visit after birth. Exclusive breastfeeding, adequate voiding/stooling. Full term, spontaneous vaginal delivery. Normal temp, BP, pulse, resp. Clear lungs. 2/6 holosystolic murmur at LLSB. Normal cardiac impulse, pulses, skin.

  1. Obtain arterial blood gas
  2. Perform echocardiography

35 female w/ 2 months of productive cough, fever, weight loss. 1-2 beers daily. Cervical lymphadenopathy, crackles at L upper posterior thorax. Gram stain/acid- fast staining negative, culture pending. Next step?

  1. Isoniazid and rifampin empiric therapy
  2. Isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol empiric therapy

patient w HTN, obesity, osteoarthritis. Missed last 2 appts. Reports low energy, pain in knees/back/hands. Weight gain, decreased ROM. Difficulty dieting. response?

  1. “I can understand why your wife is worried about your health.”
  2. “It can be difficult to keep up with diet, exercise, and medication on a daily basis.”

26 female with worsening PCOS symptoms: abnormal uterine bleeding, lip/chin hair. Velvety, pigmented plaques on neck/axilla. Small comedones on forehead. tumor?

  1. Body hair pattern
  2. Changes in voice
  3. Menstrual bleeding cycle

27Female f/u for fibromyalgia, previously had musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. intermittent dizziness. Worsened lethargy, dry mouth. Meds: amitriptyline, acetaminophen, polyethylene glycol. cause?

  1. Carotid sinus massage
  2. Orthostatic blood pressure measurements

55Male with wound, laparotomy, bowel resection, left nephrectomy. Postop day 4: fever, tachypnea, SOB, lethargy. Crackles on lung auscultation, well-healing abdominal wound. Next?

  1. Hemodialysis
  2. Intravenous lactated Ringer
  3. Intravenous dopamine

34M w/ severe diarrhea, light-headedness. Diarrhea for 14 days, malaise. Fever, hypotension, tachycardia, dry mucous membranes. Brown stool, negative occult blood. organism?

  1. Cryptosporidium parvum
  2. Cytomegalovirus

67 female come for knee pain. Gradually increasing pain in L knee, worse w/ prolonged walking/stairs. Brief morning stiffness. Reduced flexion at L knee. Next?

  1. Hyaluronic acid injection
  2. Quadriceps strengthening exercises

58F w advanced breast cancer, bone metastases. Routine follow-up. Mild, vague bone pain relieved by acetaminophen. Moist mucous membranes.

  1. Bisphosphonate therapy
  2. Loop diuretics

65F brought to office after fall 3 mos ago. Decr activity since. Med hx: HTN, T2DM, peripheral neuropathy. Meds: lisinopril, insulin, canagliflozin, metoclopramide. Peripheral pulses 1+.

  1. Discontinue canagliflozin
  2. Discontinue metoclopramide

65F w concerns about osteoporotic fractures. Sister has osteoporosis. 10-pack-yr smoking hx, quit at 40. Drinks 2-3 glasses of wine/wk. Besides Ca+ and vit D, treatment?

  1. Nasal calcitonin
  2. Oral alendronate

Temporal Lobe epilepsy.most appropriate initial mx.

  1. sodium valproate
  2. lamotrigene
  3. Levitiracetam

Patient came for routine check-up. With result of 60% carotid stenosis. No symptoms. Looks well. Management?

  1. Give Unfractionated heparin – look for aspirin/antiplatelet for the option
  2. Carotid endartectomy
  3. Angiography

Pt admit with stab injury to r.scapula . Bp.80/60.sob.after oxygen and iv fluid .next step.saturation 95%

  1. removeknife.
  2. cxr
  3. ct scan
  4. Intubation

A pxt with liver cirrhosis second to HCV, which vaccines, can he not take

  1. HBV
  2. influenza
  3. Pneumococcal
  4. BCG -live attenuated vaccine

Cardiology A 75 years old, M, present to ED with CO worsening SOB; chest pain and fatigue for few days. He has h/o HTN hyperlipidemia and aortic stenosis with systolic gradient of 45 mmhg and EF 35%. What will be treatment?

  1. Aortic valve replacement
  2. Percutaneous Aortic valvuloplasty or TAVI
  3. CABG
  4. Periodic monitoring with echo

Pregnant lady with systolic murmur at left upper sternal border, diastolic murmur at tricuspid area, second heart sound split. Apex beat is palpable just outside the mid clavicular line. CXR shows prominent pulmonary veins. Dx?

  1. TS
  2. ASD
  3. VSD
  4. PS –
  5. MS

36F, G2P1, 9 wks gestation, prenatal care initiation. Previous pregnancy: vaginal delivery, induced at 37 wks for preeclampsia w/o severe features. Healthy, prenatal vitamin only. finding?

  1. Decreased leukocyte count
  2. Decreased serum creatinine
  3. Decreased urine protein

45F w/ reflux, nausea, vomiting x3 wks. Daily heartburn, regurgitation, sour taste. Severe nocturnal reflux, recumbent chair sleep. Postprandial nonbloody, nonbilious emesis. Morbid obesity, T2DM, HTN. Next?

  1. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  2. Gastric emptying scan

48F w/ sister for preventive visit. Sister w/ stage I breast cancer. Patient skeptical of doctors, no health issues/meds. Fixated gaze, constricted affect. Explanation?

  1. Avoidant personality disorder
  2. Paranoid personality disorder
  3. Schizoid personality disorder

64F w/ bitemporal headache, worsened over wk. Dizziness, blurry vision, tingling, numbness of feet. Hx: HTN on lisinopril. PE: Moist mucous membranes, normal tympanic membranes. diagnostic?

  1. Hemoglobin A1c level
  2. Serum protein electrophoresis

45M w/ intermittent pain, numbness in R hand for months. Primarily at night, relieved by shaking or dependent position. Decreased pinprick sensation in thumb, index finger. diagnosis?

  1. MRI of the cervical spine
  2. Nerve conduction studies
  3. X-ray of the hands

55M w/ abrupt-onset excruciating rectal pain. No fevers, abd pain, hematochezia, weight loss. Hx of chronic constipation. Exquisitely tender, purplish bulge below dentate line.

  1. Hemorrhoidectomy under local anesthesia
  2. Rubber band ligation

31F, G3P2, 40wks gest. Normal prenatal course. Prior uncomplicated vaginal delivery and emergent C-section for non-reassuring fetal heart rate. Epidural anesthesia. Mild pelvic pressure. cause?

  1. Fetal head compression
  2. Placental abruption
  3. Uterine rupture

65M w COPD, hospitalized for worsening SOB, cough, wheezing. Severe respiratory distress w/ bilateral wheezing. Bronchodilators, glucocorticoids, antibiotics given. 45 mins later, progressive hypoxemia, elevated pressures. cause?

  1. ARDS
  2. Pneumothorax

34M w intermittent dizziness past 3 months. Triggers: lifting weights, riding elevator. Trouble hearing R ear. Provoked nystagmus, Valsalva maneuver. diagnosis?

  1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  2. Perilymphatic fistula

16F w vomiting, abdominal pain, watery diarrhea. Attended school cookout, friends have similar symptoms. Tender abdomen, no masses/hepatosplenomegaly. etiology?

  1. Norovirus
  2. Rotavirus
  3. Bacillus cereus

21F w severe RLQ pain. Pain started 3 wks ago, became constant/severe in the last 4 hrs. Nausea/vomiting. RLQ tenderness w/ rebound/guarding. cause?

  1. Cystic teratoma
  2. Endometrioma

1mo boy w/ blood-streaked stools. Born full term, breastfed exclusively. Stools turned loose w/ blood/mucus past 3 days. Nurses every 2-3 hrs, spits up small amount of breast milk. cause?

  1. Clostridioides difficile colitis
  2. Food protein–induced allergic proctocolitis

2yo boy, new house. Well-child check, parents want child-proofing guidance. Single-story house built in ’85, in-ground pool. Electric water heater, central AC, grounded outlets. recommendation?

  1. Install a 4-sided fence around the pool
  2. Remove power outlets within the toddler’s reach

20yo hockey player, headfirst into rink boards, unable to move arms/legs. Cervical collar, backboard transport. C5 burst fracture, spinal cord impingement.

  1. Administration of oral prednisone
  2. Bladder catheterization
  3. Femoral line placement

74yo man, worsening lethargy, abdominal pain/distension. Fever, hypotension, tachycardia. Dry mucous membranes, distended/tender abdomen. Leukocytosis, hypokalemia. cause?

  1. Microbial toxin–induced colonic inflammation
  2. Sudden decrease in colonic perfusion pressure

73yo woman w/ change in behavior, increasing forgetfulness. Irritable, insomnia, forgetful tasks. Drowsy, word-finding difficulties past year. Fever, hypertension, tachycardia. diagnosis?

  1. Alzheimer disease
  2. Brief psychotic disorder
  3. Delirium

67M w/ 2wks intermittent hematuria, no pain/urgency. History of CAD, HTN, hyperlipidemia, heavy smoking. Normal abdominal exam, enlarged prostate. evaluation?

  1. Abdominal ultrasound
  2. Cystoscopy

An old woman came to the ED with vulvar erythema and vaginal pain. She had some symptoms of candidiasis which was confirmed by labs. How will you treat this woman?

  1. Oral Nystatin
  2. Oral Fluconazole.
  3. HRT
  4. Topical estrogen
  5. Oral Clotrimazole

Female with recurrent candidiasis from 12 months.Rx

  1. topical miconazole
  2. topical nystatin
  3. oral ketoconazole
  4. oral fluconazole

Female with recurrent candidiasis 4 times in last 6 months. Clotrimazole vaginal cream helped controlling the symptoms last 3 times. What is the most appropriate next step?

  1. Oral Nystatin
  2. Oral Greisofulvin
  3. Oral Ketoconazole
  4. Oral Fluconazole
  5. Vaginal Nystatin

3 year old boy. Lump above the inguinal ligament. Tender. Non reducalble. Fever can’t remember.

  1. reassure
  2. USS
  3. Review again in few weeks

old man with her wife.disoriented and confused.has diarrhoea for 24hr and H/O prostectome 1week ago, catheterised for it. IV fluid given yester and concious level improved. Now he comes with urine output of 20ml/hr and his RFT is normal, What to do?

  1. Give bolus of IV saline
  2. IV furosemide
  3. Encourage oral rehyd
  4. Catheter flush

80yrs depressed started on sertraline 4 weeks later confused bloods- sodium low rest all normal what to do next?

  1. stop sertraline
  2. normal saline

inferior wall MI given aspirin morphine and oxygen what next?

  1. adrenaline
  2. IV fluids
  3. nitrates
  4. PCI

37yrs Heavy menstrual bleeding abdominal examination normal transvaginal USG normal with anemia what to do next?

  1. OCpills
  2. norethisterone
  3. Mirena
  4. depot injections

G2P1 at 10weeks prev H/O VTE on 2nd postpartum day thrombophilia testing- heterozgous factor V leiden mutation now comes to antenatal clinic what to do?

  1. therapeutic LMWN now till 6 weeks postpartum
  2. Prophylactic LMWH now till 6 weeks postpartum
  3. compression stockings
  4. LMWH only in postpartum period

Intern during tetanus vaccination gets needle prick informs immediately to the training head the patient is gone by that time not traceable what to do ?

  1. HIV and hepatitis B postexposure prophylaxis
  2. Ask police to trace the patient

Athlete pain over the anterior tibia continues to run, tenderness over lower third of tibia X ray normal what is the diagnosis?

  1. osteochondritis
  2. Stress fracture of tibia

middle age man with frequent quarrels with colleagues had to attend court due to violence and also had witness violence in family as a child what is the diagnosis?

  1. Acute stress disorder
  2. rodromal shizophrenia
  3. Bipolar disorder

Treatment for bloating in pms

  1. Cocp
  2. Pop

5 months Baby constipation for 6 weeks. Switched to cow milk 3 months ago from breastfeeding. Recently started on solids 1 week ago. Cause?

  1. Cow protein allergy
  2. Cow milk allergy
  3. Dec fluid intake

17 years old boy left home 3 years ago, had sexual assault 18 months ago.history of multiple law breaks, violations. Clue to make his diagnosis

  1. Flashbacks
  2. Suicidal thoughts
  3. Delusions
  4. Family hx of antisocial personality

6months brought pale sweating CRT >3 HR 200 BP unappreciated ECG SVT 280

  1. Valsalva
  2. Adenosine
  3. Metoprolol
  4. DC 1j/kg

Male with hematemesis known to alcoholic liver disease BP 100/70 HR 120 Then Bp suddenly 80/50 on sitting didn’t say repeat HR. Est loss

  1. <10
  2. 30
  3. 40
  4. >45%

Surgery consultant asking his registrar to write him script for diazepam as he has panic attack and work is too distressing

  1. Write SSRI
  2. Diazepam for 2 days
  3. Report to Ahpra
  4. Report to medical administrator

New patient in clinic from interstate with letter from GP known sponylolisthesis with CT result. Asking for Oxycodone prescription old GP is not answering on phone

  1. Give panadeine forte
  2. Give Oxycodone for 5 days
  3. Consult shopping pharamacy department
  4. Do not write script

10 week old baby with poor feeding , irritable , no weight gain, bibasal crepes and hepatomegaly ask dx ? Ans. Congestive heart failure An obstetric USS at 18 week all normal hx mentioned smoker even in pregnancy now 26-28 week, HC and AC low. FL – within normal, Amniotic fluid index low ask causes

  1. I put placental insufficiency
  2. Sorry forgot other options

Scenario of male taking quetiapine. Low libido and low testosterone level. Prolactin is 5400 mU/l (Exactly the same prolactin level). no increased ICP symptoms. Asking for cause?

  1. Prolactinoma
  2. Antipsychotic

A 91 year old, frail ,nursing home resident is found dead, and as the general practitioner you have been asked to issue the death certificate. Two days before he was having urinary track symptoms and confusion and fever. Yesterday morning, he was found unconscious on the floor with a laceration on the scalp. What would be the cause of death?

  1. sepsis
  2. urinary track infection
  3. death certificate can not be issued
  4. head injury

alzimer patient. psychosis plus. DM Plus….bloodsugar high 8.5… Don’t like to take insulin

  1. resperidone
  2. galantamine
  3. longterm insulin

young lady took diazepam, paracetamol and metformin. Was in severe metabolic acidosis. pH 7.0 HCO3 12 What to do?

  1. Activated charcoal
  2. Hemodialysis
  3. Bicarbonate

Testicular firm swelling in 30 yrs old. Cause

  1. Seminoma
  2. Nonseminoma
  3. Hydrocele

Testicular swelling on standing. Not on lying. No transillumination. Reason?

  1. Hrdocele
  2. Varicocele

Xray of bowel obstruction. Ct of liver abcess. Management? 6months old BP unrecorded pulse 220 SVT

  1. DC shock
  2. Adenosine
  3. Valsalva

Women with PMS bloating Mx

  1. CoCP
  2. POP
  3. Pyridoxine
  4. Some herbs name was there

Women with history of multiple compliants and labs normal. Now presented with abdominal pain and some join pains. What to do

  1. Reassure
  2. Counsel that these are somatic
  3. Investigate current issues

Similar scenario of multiple issues and no organic cause asking reason

  1. Somatic disorder
  2. Hypochondriasis
  3. Factitious

Son complaint of mother giving gifts to nurse. Recently goven dinner set. What would you do

  1. Talk to nurse
  2. Told son to talk to nurse
  3. Talk to patient

One long scenario of man alcoholic and 40 pack yr smoker found confused in home. Has lung opacity labs had hyponatremia and low chloride Cause of confusion

  1. Lung CA
  2. Wernicke’s encephalopathy
  3. Congestive heart failure

6 years old kid with slow language improvement. When the parents say something to him,he repeats 3 words from what the parents say.He doesn’t watch the same tv program for more than five minutes. When the doctor talks to him,he repeats only 3 words from what the doctor said to him.

  1. Autism
  2. Asperger
  3. ADHD

24 wks pregnant pt with passage of 90ml blood. She also came a few weeks ago with 10ml blood loss. USG showed grade 4 placenta previa. What to do?

  1. Repeat usg
  2. CTG
  3. Haematological studies
  4. Blood transfusion
  5. crossmatch

75 year old female patient,on a number of drugs including statin, presents with proximal muscle weakness. On examination muscles of the shoulders are tender on palpation. Laboratory examination shows raised ESR and CK is normal. What is your possible Diagnosis?

  1. Drug induced myositis
  2. Dermatomyositis
  3. Polymyositis
  4. polymyalgia rheumatic

Son comes to your practise regarding his 82 year old mother saying that the nurse from your practise is using his mother for financial purpose as she has been giving her expensive gifts and recently added her to her will as a beneficiary. What will you do?

  1. Ask son to speak to nurse
  2. Arrange appointment with the mother
  3. Raise issue with the nurse
  4. Report her to APHRA

Aboriginal woman comes to you with 5 month history of insomnia, anxiety and depression. You want to start her on escitalopram but she refuses. She wants to see a traditional healer within her community instead.

  1. involve indigenous officer
  2. provide her leave to go see transitional healer
  3. involuntarily detain her

most appropriate therapy for pulmonary embolism in a patient who suffered three broken ribs, a fractured pelvis requiring operative intervention, and a subdural hematoma in a motor vehicle accident is which of the following:

  1. Unfractionated heparin
  2. Low-molecular-weight heparin
  3. Inferior vena cava filter
  4. Dabigatran

mediastinal widening bilaterally but no apical lesions seen.Diagnosis?

  1. sarcoidosis
  2. TB
  3. Lymphoma

17 yrs old son..left home at the age of 15.sexually assaulted a girl 18 months back and imprisonment..multiple previous self cut injuries in hands doesnt want to talk about it.multiple substance abuse..what in the history is important to come to a diagnosi?

  1. sleeping disturbance
  2. family history of antisocial disorders and imprisonment
  3. poor school.performance
  4. Childhood abuse

Patient with lung cancer, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, and rise creatinine, after iv hydration what to do

  1. Furosemide
  2. Pamidronate
  3. Dialysis

Pregnant woman with vaginal bleeding and abd pain, what is the most significant agent to cause the complication?

  1. Alcohol
  2. Smoking
  3. Cocaine

Different scenarios of SVT in children asked next management HC and AC low, FL – within normal, Amniotic fluid index low. Asking for causes?

  1. placental insufficiency
  2. Gallstone illeus xray

Boy fell from bike.tenderness in left upper quadrant. All vitals normal. What to do next?

  1. usg
  2. Cxr
  3. Ct abdomen

Testicular firm swelling in 30 yrs old. Cause

  1. Seminoma
  2. Nonseminoma
  3. Hydrocele.

Male patient develops pain in DIP joint, apart from psoriatic rashes in scalp. Physical examination is normal, Diagnosis?

  1. Psoriatic arthritis –
  2. Reiters–

An obstetric USS at 18 week all normal hx mentioned smoker even in pregnancy now, 36 week, HC and AC low, FL – within normal. Amniotic fluid index low ask causes

  1. placental insufficiency—> all parameter are low,head sparing
  2. fetal anemia—> Hydrops Edema
  3. IUGR—> symmetrical
  4. Congenital Abnormality

Patient presented with agitation and psychosis and accuses wife of having an affair. Doesn’t want to take his insulin. HBA1C 8.5. What to do next.

  1. Risperidone
  2. Gabapentin
  3. 10 mg Acting Insulin

Old woman gives the nurse dinner set, son complaints

  1. Tell patient to have a talk with nurse
  2. Talk to nurse to give back the dinner set
  3. Discuss with nurse it is not appropriate

Upper abdominal pain radiating to back for some days. Lipase, amylase, troponin are ordered. While waiting, what will you do?

  1. CT abdomen
  2. USS

Patient difficulty in swallowing solid than liquid. Regurgitation +. What to do?

  1. Oesophagoscopy
  2. Barium meal follow through
  3. Barium enema (lower GI)
  4. Manometry

Upper epigastric pain radiation to back, nausea and vomiting +. Non smoker and drink 5-6 alcohol per day. Ex, tenderness and guarding on epigastrium. Vitals BP low side

  1. Peptic Ulcer perforation
  2. Acute appendicitis
  3. Acute cholecystitis

Valgus injury. What to be tear (Which is most likely torn)?

  1. Patellar tendon injury
  2. Lateral miniscus tear
  3. Lateral collateral tear
  4. Medial collatera ligament

After injury, pain in the middle calf. Cannot do extension. No pain on passive movements. What to do?

  1. mRI
  2. USS
  3. X ray

For obesity control, what to do?

  1. Measure height and weight
  2. Control screen time
  3. Exercise program

Man standing in balcony and fisting clouds, saying something, he is untidy.. What will help you to diagnose?

  1. Empty beer bottles in house

Man with high BP , chest pain came to you after doing duplex left carotid artery 60% n rt carotid artery 30% stenosis. Most appropriate initial things to do?

  1. Carotid endarectomy
  2. Aspirin
  3. Angiography

Male pt experienced some violence and unstable relationships with his male partner?

  1. Refer to support group
  2. Call the police
  3. Relationship council

Pregnant Women comes with vomiting 2 times, afebrile slight tenderness in pelvic region. Mild gaurding no rigidity, urine examination normal. What is the cause?

  1. Ovarian torsion
  2. Round ligament pain
  3. Red degeneration
  4. Appendicitis

8yr old girl , not using school toilet to fear of getting ill, soon after reaching home she washed thoroughly for long time . Her mother also had the sane problem during childhood, what is most appropriate initial step?

  1. Low dose fluvoxamine
  2. Address her with contamination fear
  3. Behavioural Therapy

One question was vasectomy came after 3 months with motile sperms. What you are going to advise?

  1. Repeat next month
  2. He can do sex now

Another today‘s similar Q by 4 months after vasectomies, 20+ ejaculations already done. Still non motile sperms in semen.What to do?

  1. need more ejaculations
  2. do USG for spermatocele
  3. can safely have sex
  4. Renal tract USG

Man with jaundice dark urine pale color stool , smoker ,drinks alcohol 3/4times weekly. what is the diagnosis?

  1. ALP,ALT,GGT,Bilirubin-high
  2. Protein,albumin-normal
  3. Alcoholic hepatitis
  4. Choledocolithiasis
  5. Liver abscess

Pt suddenly develop some problem while talking, he can understand everything but having difficulty while talking,( something like that but no SOB, chest pain no cardiac issues) what is most appropriate things to do?

  1. TTE
  2. CTPA
  3. IV nitroprucide
  4. Beta blocker

An old person had UTI then he fell and people found him conscious on the floor with scalp laceration. Then next day he was found dead in the bed. Cause of death?

a) Sepsis

One person got MI and had stent 5 days back and now he again came with severe shearing pain and st elevation in ecg. Cause?

  1. Stent thrombosis –
  2. Coronary artery dissection
  3. Pericarditis

Indomethacin Given for gouty arthritis. Pt had hyponatremia and other renal derangement. Gout not Subsided. What’s Next

  1. Prednisolone
  2. Stop Indomethacin

year old child recurrent upper respiratory tract disease w/ diarrhea(chronic not severe) Hemoglobin decreased

  1. Celiac
  2. Cystic Fibrosis

Bloating, irritability, premenstrual. Most appropriate tx?

  1. COCP
  2. Pyridoxine ( vitamin B6)
  3. Ginkgo Biloba

trimethoprim allergy, during operation, shocked. Cause?

  1. Latex
  2. Plaster
  3. Isoflurane

area is having covid. patient is having fever. wife is a breast ca patient. patient covid antigen negative. all are vaccinated. what is the most appropriate action?

  1. Isolate
  2. covid PCR
  3. rpt antigen
  4. Nothing

Patient coming with typical features of obstructive jaundice..consume alcoho 4-5 drinks on weekends only.no fever..received a course amoxicillin and pcm 3g for upper respiratory tract infection..liver palpable 2cm below the costal margin.ix given(AST/ALT/ALP/GGT all high) possible cause?

  1. alcoholic liver disease
  2. drug induced
  3. viral hepatitis
  4. Choledocholithiasis

young man coming with weight loss,cough and night sweats..bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy.cxr given. Woman 34 yo w/ 2 kids from different fathers. Is on a new relationship e don’t want to get pregnant. Wish to sterilize.

  1. agree with her
  2. offer her partner to do vasectomy
  3. consult with gynecologist
  4. offer combined oral pills

Man submitted 4m ago to vasectomy, >20 ejaculations, spermogram w/ non motile sperm. Conduct?

  1. repeat after 50 ejaculations
  2. USG for spermatocele
  3. repeat next month
  4. can have sex without worry for pregnancy
  5. Renal USG

Man 34yo, urinary dribbling, straining and post void micturition. Physical exam normal, include RDE. What’s next?

  1. urethoscopy
  2. renal USG
  3. USG rectal biopsy

elderly man presents with malena. endoscopy and colonoscopy does not reveal any bleeding. His vitals are stable at the moment but he requires 2 units of blood daily to maintain a HBat 90. what is the best management

  1. capsule endoscopy
  2. catheter angio
  3. CT angio
  4. 55 technetium scan

Old lady, asymptomatic, for check up. DM2, crônica arterial disease. Urine culture + E. coli >100.000 ufc/ml Cefalexin S Amoxicillin Clav S Sulfa R Cipro S-Conduct?

  1. Reassure
  2. Cefalexin
  3. Sulfa
  4. Cipro

Old lady, menopause, urinary symptoms with LUTS emptying. Physical exam: labia major United until urethral meatus

  1. topic oestregen
  2. separate labia major

Female washed her home today morning with bleaching powder, in evening while she go for walking had nasal congestion, wheeze, past h/0 adult onset asthma,asking reason for exacerbation?. She said she had no symptoms when using bleach

  1. Chlorine
  2. URTI
  3. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
  4. Hypersensitivity pneumonia
  5. Asthma

Pms with irritability bloating and less sleep/annorexia

  1. Flouxetine
  2. Pyridoxine
  3. Herbal tea
  4. Mefanemic acid

Obesity screening in community, as stroke is increasing in population so doctor worries an wants to reduce risk factors for it. What is best to do?

  1. H8 w8 of children
  2. Reduce screen time
  3. Include exercise in their routine.
  4. Awareness program

New drug that reduces stroke risk. Wat will u do b4 starting?

  1. Check how many pt it has been tried on
  2. Check its common side effects
  3. Check this pt’s risk of stroke
  4. Check how long the trial duration was

Intern, Needle prick while giving tt vaccine to a pt wd lacerated wound. Hep b negetive of pt. When intern came back after informing management, Pt had left. Now wat to do?

  1. PEP against HIV
  2. PEP againts HIV and hep c
  3. No PEP

Middle age female with right side mandibular swelling anterior to tragus of ear which increases when she chewing food. Temprature normal. Lump~2cm, non fluctuant. Diagnosis?

  1. Salivary duct stone
  2. Parotid carcinoma  
  3. Pleomorphic adenoma
  4. Salivary duct sialoadenitis

Postpartum pt had total 500ml blood loss. Vitals okay. Has not passed urine since delivery. Don’t remember how many hours had passed. Abdomen distended till umblicus.

  1. Pass cathter (this made more sense during question)
  2. Give iv (i think they were already giving iv in stem)

OB patient, with 2 previous IVF, no lw concieved naturally, where will you ask patient to follow up

  1. Midwife
  2. OB staff
  3. Medicine Staff
  4. Doula

mon brought pale sweating CRT >3 HR 200 BP unappreciated ECG SVT 280

  1. Valsalva
  2. Adenosine
  3. Metoprolol
  4. DC 1j/kg

A 91 year old, frail ,nursing home resident is found dead, and as the general practitioner you have been asked to issue the death certificate. Two days before he was having urinary track symptoms and confusion and fever. Yesterday morning, he was found unconscious on the floor with a laceration on the scalp. What would be the cause of death?

  1. sepsis
  2. urinary track infection
  3. death certificate can not be issued
  4. head injury

30 yr male, firm lump in right scrotum. No illumination. It is present on standing and supine as well

  1. Seminoma
  2. Varicocele
  3. Hydrocele
  4. Non seminoma

Aged male with heaviness in scrotum. Prominent on standing, no illumination, non tender. Testis can be felt.

  1. Hydrocele
  2. Varicocele

Male wd scrotal lump. Cough impulse positive. Non tender. No illumination

  1. Hernia
  2. Hydrocele
  3. Varicocele

Pt with 6 weeks postpartum. Teary, tired, doesnot want to take care of baby, feels like she is failing as amother. Insomnia, anorexia, doesn’t take care of herself

  1. Ppd
  2. Pp psychosis
  3. Pp blues

Young female gave birth to a child at home and was still birth, ask what’s next?

  1. Inform coroner
  2. Bring the baby to hospital
  3. Autopsy

Man with high BP , chest pain came to you after doing duplex left carotid artery 60% n rt carotid artery 30% stenosis. Most appropriate initial things to do?

  1. Carotid endarectomy
  2. Aspirin
  3. Angiography
  4. Sick child. Uti
  5. Amoxcilin and gentamicin
  6. Cephalexin
  7. Ceftriaxone

old age pt with herpes rash for weeks. Came for pain.

  1. Amytriptiline
  2. Prednisolone
  3. Acyclovir
  4. paracetamol
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45yo man sudden onset skin rash, oral lesion with fever. Not able to eat. Conjunctivae inflamed. Erosion at oral mucosa.


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