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AMC July 2024 Recalls 

AMC July 2024 Recalls – Latest Exam Questions & Key Insights

The July 2024 Recalls provide valuable insights into the most recent AMC exam questions, helping international medical graduates (IMGs) prepare effectively. Reviewing the Recalls allows candidates to identify important topics, understand question patterns, and enhance their study strategy.

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Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Recalls JULY 2024 compilation 

As a GP doctor, what is the best way to help Aboriginal people prevent STDs in their communities?
a. TV advertising about the STDs
b. School campaigns for students
c. Posters in public transportation
d. Individual teaching for young adults about STDs and its complications
e. Scheduled events for students about this topic

OC pill is requested by a 14-year-old minor.
a. Call her parents
b. Give her OC pill
c. Ask her partner’s age
d. Assess her maturity and capacity to provide informed consent

30 weeks pregnant woman (primi) involved in an RTA with mild abdominal tenderness, SFH 34cm, no vaginal bleeding. CTG shows HR 176, reduced baseline variability, no decelerations. What is the diagnosis?
a. Uterine dehiscence
b. Placental abruption
c. Splenic rupture

11-month-old baby with Down syndrome. What screening is offered at this age?
a. FBC
b. Thyroid functions
c. Celiac screen
d. C-spine screen

48-year-old patient fell down the stairs and sustained a Colles fracture. She is concerned about her risk of future fractures. What is the next step?
a. Do nothing
b. Perform a bone density test

Woman with severe anger issues, husband left her, now having problems with the doctor. What indicates the diagnosis?
a. Family issues
b. Alcohol abuse
c. Gambling
d. Borderline personality disorder

You see many trachoma cases in an Indigenous community. What should be done to prevent trachoma cases?
a. Give eye drops to the community
b. Give eye drops to contacts
c. Give treatment to the community
d. Give treatment to contacts

An 80-year-old patient with mild dementia is maintaining a normal routine with medication. The patient says she doesn’t need the drug, and her son and family are unconcerned. What is the next step?
a. Send a social worker to the house to administer medication
b. Accept what the patient says
c. Tell the patient she must take medicine if she wants to live alone

A new patient in the clinic from interstate, known to have spondylolisthesis with CT results, requests an Oxycodone prescription. Their previous GP is unreachable by phone. What should you do?
a. Prescribe Panadeine Forte
b. Prescribe Oxycodone for 5 days
c. Consult the pharmacy shopping department
d. Do not write a prescription

A lady with 39 weeks gestation has passed 1L of fresh blood per vaginally. BP is 140/80, HR is 100, FHR is 150+. No contractions felt. What will help in the diagnosis?
a. Fetal heart rate
b. Maternal heart rate
c. Maternal blood pressure
d. Uterine contractions

A middle-aged man with hypertension and dyslipidemia experiences sudden onset chest pain radiating to the back. Initially stable in the ambulance but collapses on arrival to ED. No pulse is palpable. Cardiac monitor shows sinus tachycardia. What is the likely diagnosis?
a. Acute myocardial infarction
b. Ruptured aortic aneurysm
c. Cardiomyopathy

A pregnant woman delivered a 3.6 kg baby via NSVD. She was given syntocinon and delivered the placenta after 3 minutes. Fifteen minutes later, she loses 1500 ml of blood per vaginally and shows shortness of breath. What is the diagnosis?
a. Concealed placental abruption
b. Cervical laceration
c. Atonic uterus
d. Uterine inversion

A 24-year-old male presents with left eye pain and mild blurred vision following a nail gun incident. No flashes, floaters, or diplopia are reported. What is the immediate diagnosis and advice to the nurse?
a. Hyphaema: Bed rest with head elevated 30°, eye shield, analgesia, and antiemetic (phone order).
b. Subconjunctival haemorrhage: Paracetamol and ibuprofen (if no contraindications).

A 38-year-old lady with general lower abdominal pain has a 3 cm left ovarian cyst on ultrasound with no free fluid. What is the appropriate advice regarding the cyst?
a. Simple cysts resolve in 3 menstrual cycles, no investigation needed.
b. Repeat ultrasound in 3 months for cyst resolution.

A 42-year-old male with otitis externa presents with severe pain, ongoing hearing loss, and ear discharge. He is afebrile, and examination reveals a narrowed ear canal with yellow/grey discharge. What is the most appropriate treatment?
a. Referral to ENT for IV antibiotics.
b. Ear toilet and supportive analgesia only.

A 60-year-old teacher displays inappropriate sexual language, insults, and poor self-care. What will be deranged in their MMSE?
a. Inability to recall 3 objects
b. Inability to name the prime minister
c. Right-side neglect

A patient presents to the ED with abdominal pain and vomiting. Initial examination shows normal BP, PR of 102/min, and an X-ray indicating features of small bowel obstruction (SBO). A few hours after initial management, the patient’s pain worsens and PR increases to 120/min. What should be done next?
a. CT abdomen
b. Ultrasound
c. Surgical exploration
d. Nasogastric tube

A 22-year-old lady, 10 weeks gestation, singleton pregnancy, BMI 21 kg/m². When should she be screened for gestational diabetes?
a. At 24-28 weeks gestation with an oral glucose tolerance test.
b. At 24-28 weeks gestation with a HbA1c.

A 70-year-old patient with PMR, diabetes, and hypertension presents with unsteady gait, lower abdominal distension, pain, difficulty voiding, and back pain. Examination shows lower abdominal tenderness, reduced power, and reflexes in the lower limbs. The patient is on tamoxifen, metoprolol, and prednisolone. What is the most appropriate next investigation?
a. CT spine
b. MRI spine
c. Pelvic ultrasound
d. Lumbosacral X-ray

The prevalence of stroke is 6 out of 100 in non-smokers and 50% higher in smokers. A new drug reduces the risk of stroke in smokers by one-third. What percentage of smokers will still get a stroke if they use this drug?
a. 4%
b. 6%
c. 9%
d. 10%
e. 20%

In a health survey, 1 in 99 people taking aspirin and 2 in 98 people not taking aspirin (control) develop health problems. What is the absolute risk reduction (ARR)?
a. 1%
b. 2%
c. 33%
d. 50%

A 2-year-old child with hematuria, hypertension, and recurrent nephrotic syndrome (3 episodes in the last 18 months), unresponsive to steroids. Diagnosis?
a. IgA nephropathy
b. Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN)
c. Vesicoureteral reflux
d. Family history of kidney disease
e. Flank non-tender mass

Post-operative appendectomy patient develops pain over the right iliac fossa on day 3. No guarding, tender over right iliac fossa, clean wound dressing, stable vitals, but febrile. Likely cause?
a. Wound infection
b. Stump leak
c. Abscess

A 5-year-old girl develops an itchy rash after eating tuna mornay, resolved with antihistamine. Regarding skin prick testing, which statement is true?
a. Avoid cetirizine 4 days before the skin prick test.
b. Skin prick testing cannot provoke anaphylaxis to the allergen tested.

A 20-year-old woman presents with a painless neck lump, fatigue, itching, and night sweats. Exam shows a 5 cm rubbery mass in the anterior neck triangle. Most likely investigation for diagnosis?
a. Excisional biopsy of the neck lump
b. Chest X-ray
c. Full blood count and biochemistry

A 54-year-old woman on metformin 1 g daily presents with HbA1c >10% and impaired renal function. What is the appropriate management?
a. Continue metformin
b. Gliclazide
c. Pioglitazone
d. Sitagliptin

Patient with severe MR. What should be considered prior to surgery?
a. Dobutamine scan
b. MRI heart
c. Endoscopic ultrasound
d. Coronary angiography

37-week pregnant woman with slight green watery discharge. No antenatal issues, no pain, FHR 148/min, cephalic presentation, 3/5 palpable abdominally, cervix not dilated. Next step?
a. Amniotomy
b. Prostaglandins (PGN)
d. Oxytocin

19-year-old male with left ankle injury during basketball, swollen and tender medial midfoot. Correct statement regarding Ottawa ankle rules?
a. Ottawa ankle rules: foot X-ray for navicular tenderness.
b. Ottawa ankle rules: foot X-ray for ankle pain.

9-month-old scratched by a bat, immunisations up-to-date but no rabies vaccine. First step to reduce risk of Australian bat lyssavirus?
a. Clean wound with soap and water for 5 minutes.
b. Give tetanus booster (last dose at age 4).

7-year-old Aboriginal girl with asthma, worsening SOB, and trouble speaking in sentences. Past non-compliance with medications. Correct statement regarding asthma?
a. Indigenous Australians have 2.3x the asthma death rate compared to non-Indigenous Australians.
b. Children >5 years old can usually perform spirometry.

49-year-old woman on telmisartan, hydrochlorothiazide, and amlodipine with BP 150/100 mmHg. Screening for primary aldosteronism as the cause of hypertension?
a. Hypertension resistant to 3 antihypertensives (including a diuretic).
b. Hypertension with spontaneous or diuretic-induced hyperkalaemia.

Gestational diabetes screening in a woman with a family history of DM. Best option?
a. OGTT at 26 weeks with 50 g glucose
b. OGTT at 26 weeks with 75 g glucose
c. Glucose challenge test at 26 weeks with 50 g glucose
d. Glucose challenge test at 26 weeks with 75 g glucose

5-year-old child with multiple vomiting episodes for 5 days. Likely electrolyte abnormality?
a. Na 115, K 2.5, pH 7.55
b. Na 125, K 3.6, pH 7.55
c. Na 136, K 2.5, pH 7.57
d. Na 115, K 2.5, pH 7.2
e. Na 115, K 3.5, pH 7.2

54-year-old male with T2DM, controlled HbA1c 6.0%. Urine ACR increased to 3.2 mg/mmol. Statements about albuminuria?
a. Elevated urine ACR is more common in CKD than decreased eGFR.
b. Urinary protein excretion is highest in the morning.

2-year-old girl with recurrent respiratory and skin infections, gingivitis, and granuloma of skin. Diagnosis?
a. Agammaglobulinemia
b. Chronic granulomatous disease
c. Transient hypogammaglobulinemia

16-year-old male with sudden, intense right testicular pain, nausea, and vomiting, with no trauma. Suspected torsion. Expected signs?
a. Negative Prehn’s sign
b. Positive Prehn’s sign
c. Intact cremasteric reflex

72-year-old male with COPD exacerbation, advanced care plan, deteriorating on non-invasive ventilation, ABG shows pH 7.29, pCO2 55. ABG interpretation?
a. Type II respiratory failure with respiratory acidosis and acute-on-chronic metabolic compensation.
b. Type II respiratory failure with respiratory acidosis and acute metabolic compensation.

35-year-old male with blood in semen, no family history of prostate cancer, no weight loss or nocturnal pain. Initial investigations for hematospermia?
a. Urine MCS, cytology, FBC, coagulation profile.
b. FBC, coagulation profile, scrotal ultrasound, urine MCS.

28-year-old male with 2-month intermittent abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood and mucus, decreased appetite, and fatigue. Father has UC. Correct statement?
a. Faecal calprotectin distinguishes IBD from IBS accurately.
b. Faecal calprotectin results are not affected by NSAIDs.

27-year-old female, 2 weeks post-vaginal delivery, 2nd-degree tear, mild discomfort with urination/bowel actions. Long-term consequences of tear?
a. Refer back to OB if severe dyspareunia.
b. Second-degree tears may cause long-term faecal incontinence.

Obese pregnant mother at 36 weeks POA, pendulous breasts, BMI 41, unable to palpate the uterus. USG and CTG normal, referred to tertiary care hospital. What assessment should be done now?
a. Anesthesia
b. Lactation management
c. Dietitian
d. Endocrinology

13M with left foot pain post-football injury, tender 5th metatarsal, x-ray shows non-displaced Jones fracture. Correct statement?
a. Treatment: short leg NWB cast for 6-8 weeks, repeat x-ray.
b. Treatment: immobilize in stiff-soled shoe for 6-8 weeks, repeat x-ray.

7M Aboriginal with sore throat, fever, reduced appetite, no rhinorrhea/cough. Exam: inflamed pharynx, petechiae, swollen tonsils with pus. Correct management?
a. First-line for suspected GAS: oral phenoxymethylpenicillin.
b. First-line for suspected GAS: oral cephalexin.

46-year-old lady, post-hysterectomy for AIS, recovered, no cervical pathology on histopathology. Need for future screening?
a. Advise vaginal vault annual co-testing indefinitely.
b. Advise HPV testing of the vaginal vault every 5 years.

13M with left foot pain post-football injury, tender 5th metatarsal, x-ray shows non-displaced mid-shaft fracture. Correct statement?
a. Immobilize left foot in CAM walker for 4-6 weeks, clinical review.
b. Strap foot with compression bandage for 4 weeks.

53F with heart failure, LVEF 35%, on enalapril and bisoprolol, normal renal function. What other medication is expected?
a. Spironolactone 25mg orally daily.
b. Diltiazem 180mg orally daily.
c. Furosemide 20mg orally daily.

66-year-old male, retired farmer, history of BCC, extensive sun exposure. New 7mm pigmented lesion on back, asymmetric, irregular border, blue-white veil. Next step?
a. Urgent excisional biopsy with 2mm margins.
b. Urgent deep shave biopsy.
c. Urgent 4mm punch biopsy.

19-year-old lady, student with painful red right eye, history of asthma, uses old contact lenses. Blurry vision, yellow discharge, corneal infiltrate, purulent. Pathogen for >60% of keratitis?
a. Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
b. Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
c. Corynebacterium diphtheriae.

28-year-old female, never had cervical screening, prefers self-collection, no symptoms, negative pregnancy test. Advice on self-collected cervical screening?
a. If HPV 16/18 detected, refer for colposcopy & liquid-based cytology.
b. Not eligible for self-collected cervical screening.

56-year-old lady with T2DM, poor dentition, inflamed gums. True statement regarding periodontitis and T2DM?
a. Type 2 diabetes doubles the risk of periodontal disease.
b. Periodontal disease doesn’t affect blood glucose control.

17-year-old male with fever, sore throat, abdominal discomfort, started on antibiotics. Developed itchy rash, enlarged tonsils with pus, tender cervical nodes. Advice?
a. The rash will self-resolve without treatment.
b. Strictly avoid penicillins in the future.

67-year-old male with 12-month worsening SOB, dry cough. Diagnosis of ILD supported by?
a. Signs of pulmonary hypertension.
b. Low FEV1/FVC ratio.
c. Signs of left-sided heart failure.

62-year-old male with history of MI, HTN, hypercholesterolemia, depression, prostate cancer with bony mets. Interested in Sativex for pain. Advice on medicinal cannabis?
a. Avoid THC products (e.g., Sativex) due to MI history.
b. Therapeutic CBD doses lower than THC: 2-10mg vs 20-50mg.

24-year-old male with gender incongruence, starting feminising hormones, on estradiol & spironolactone. Advice on anti-androgenic therapy?
a. Anti-androgenic therapy reduces erection ability.
b. Libido unchanged despite spironolactone.

45-year-old lady newly diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Daughter wants to know the most common cause in Australia. Common cause?
a. Autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis.
b. Amiodarone.
c. Amyloidosis.

55-year-old male with a history of diverticulitis, now with 1-day severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, leaving for a business trip tomorrow. Needs antibiotics to recover. Next action?
a. Advise in-person visit for examination, not phone appointment.
b. Order CT abdomen/pelvis scan.

36-year-old male going to Cairns during the rainy season, plans rainforest visits, worried about dengue. Advice?
a. Advise him that repeated infections with dengue can be life-threatening.
b. Advise him that the mosquitoes infected with dengue in Australia are usually found outdoors.

72-year-old female with T score -2.1 hip, -2.0 spine, low vitamin D (40). Sun exposure daily but covered up. Advice for vitamin D deficiency?
a. For mild Vitamin D deficiency (30-49nmol/L), 1000-2000 IU/day.
b. Aim for at least 900mg calcium/day from diet.

50-year-old female with fingers changing color, turning white and painful in cold. History of gardening. Next treatment after gloves?
a. Amlodipine 5mg orally daily.
b. Metoprolol 25mg orally twice a day.
c. Aspirin 100mg orally daily.

83-year-old male with CKD, widespread itch disturbing sleep, no rash, dry skin, or infection. Using emollient. Other treatments?
a. Oral evening primrose oil.
b. Oral prednisolone.

25-year-old male with a new mildly itchy rash on his back, history of manual labor. Hyperpigmented tan macules, diagnosed as pityriasis versicolor. First-line treatment?
a. Anti-fungal shampoo (e.g., Ketoconazole 2%) daily for 5 days.
b. Diprosone 0.05% ointment daily until resolution.

67-year-old lady with diabetes, ongoing right shoulder stiffness for 6-8 weeks, no pain, no trauma. Restricted ROM, especially external rotation. Likely diagnosis?
a. Frozen shoulder
b. Rotator cuff strain
c. Subacromial bursitis

29-year-old male adventurer who had acute mountain sickness on Kilimanjaro, planning a trip to Cusco. Seeking advice on Acetazolamide prophylaxis. Advice?
a. Acetazolamide strongly recommended as prophylactic therapy.
b. Acetazolamide unnecessary for a 2-day Cusco trip.

68-year-old male with a vesicular rash on left T4, now has severe electric pain at the site, and oral medications are not helping. Next treatment?
a. Lidocaine 5% patch, up to 3 patches, wear 12 hours.
b. Fentanyl patch 12mcg/hr, change every 72 hrs.
c. Oral naproxen 500mg BID.

27-year-old female with left upper limb DVT, no family history of clotting disorders. Discussed treatment and thrombophilia testing. Advice on testing?
a. Thrombophilia testing indicated, eligible for Medicare rebate for Factor V Leiden and prothrombin variant.
b. Thrombophilia testing not indicated, no family history.

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